Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Senate convened at 10:30am.

Invoked, 59-40: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #410 Harry Coker, Jr. to be National Cyber Director.

Confirmed, 59-40: Confirmation of Executive Calendar #410 Harry Coker, Jr. to be National Cyber Director.

Not agreed to, 47-53: Ernst motion to table Schumer amendment #1373 to the Conference Report to accompany H.R.2670, FY2024 National Defense Authorization Act, for the purposes of offering Ernst amendment #1376.

Not agreed to, 26-73: Hawley motion to table the Schumer motion to recommit the Conference Report to accompany H.R.2670, FY2024 National Defense Authorization Act, to the Committee on Conference.

Invoked, 85-15: Motion to invoke cloture on the Conference Report to accompany H.R.2670, FY2024 National Defense Authorization Act.

The Senate adjourned at 6:30 p.m.