The Senate convened 10:00am on Thursday, March 23, 2023.
Not adopted, 19-79: Adoption of Lee amendment #22, in relation to Cal. #25, S.316, Repealing AUMF Against Iraq. (Implements 2-year sunset on future AUMFs) (60-vote affirmative threshold)
By a vote of 32-63: the Senate voted against adoption of the Rubio amendment #4, in relation to Cal. #25, S.316, Repealing AUMF Against Iraq. (60-vote affirmative threshold)
Not adopted by a vote of 41-52: Risch amendment #43, in relation to Cal. #25, S.316, Repealing AUMF Against Iraq. (Certification to Congress on AUMF repeal impacts to US detention authorities)
Leader Schumer filed cloture on Cal. #25, S.316, Repealing AUMF Against Iraq.
Vote scheduled: At 5:30pm, on Monday, March 27th, the Senate will proceed to a roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Cal. #25, S.316, Repealing AUMF Against Iraq.
The Senate adjourned at 3:11pm.