Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Senate convened at 10:00am.

Confirmed, 56-41: Confirmation of Executive Calendar #514 Marjorie A. Rollinson to be Chief Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service and an Assistant General Counsel in the Department of the Treasury.

Not passed, 50-47: Shall S.J.Res.38, Rubio IIJA Waiver of Buy America Requirements for EV Chargers CRA, pass, the objections of the President to the contrary notwithstanding.

Not agreed to, 13-79: Motion to discharge from Foreign Relations Committee S.J.Res.60, Paul Turkiye F-16 Arms Sale Resolution of Disapproval.

Not adopted, 37-53: Adoption of Paul amendment #1614 to H.R.7463, Continuing Resolution. (60-vote affirmative threshold) (Federal Reserve)

Not agreed to, 14-76: Marshall motion to commit H.R.7463, Continuing Resolution, to the Appropriations Committee with instructions. (Full-year CR plus Israel aid)

Not agreed to, 12-77: Lee motion to commit H.R.7463, Continuing Resolution, to the Appropriations Committee with instructions. (Full-year CR)

Not agreed to, 32-58: Cruz motion to commit H.R.7463, Continuing Resolution, to the Appropriations Committee with instructions. (H.R.2)

Passed, 77-13: Passage of H.R.7463, Continuing Resolution. (60-vote affirmative threshold)

Leader Schumer filed cloture on the following: Executive Calendar #518 Ronald T. Keohane to be an Assistant Secretary of Defense; Executive Calendar #529 Moshe Z. Marvit to be a Member of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission for a term of six years expiring August 30, 2028; and Executive Calendar #456 Cathy Ann Harris to be Chairman of the Merit Systems Protection Board.

Confirmed by voice vote: Executive Calendar #517 Douglas Craig Schmidt to be Director of Operational Test and Evaluation, Department of Defense.

The next vote will be on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 5:30pm.

The Senate adjourned at 8:20pm.